International academic journal "Baudrillard Now"
Alex Garland’s 2014 film Ex Machina exemplifies today’s growing fear that humans may soon be overtaken…
The one who has solved Baudrillard’s paradox can quickly study everything necessary and describe this system at any stage of its existence.
Baudrillard asks about the “exchange” between “(la) vie et la mort”, and compares his understanding with Bataille’s conception of the “luxurious conjunction of sex and death”.
“What should we have for dinner?” For many, the answer to this question is incredibly stressful, and fills the mind with a rumbling cacophony of conflicting nutritional information.
The war against Ukraine has revealed a new phase in world history: we are moving from globalization to glocalization to deglobalization.
“The funny part is that experts have calculated that the state of emergency decreed by an earthquake warning would unleash such a panic that its effects would be greater than the earthquake itself…”
A Malaysian artist based in Selangor presents his artworks inspired by Baudrillard’s works.
In recent decades, a profound development has taken place when it comes to media, especially regarding internet, social media and smartphones.
Decomputating Algocratic Regimes In the Delirium of the Simulation: Revisiting Baudrillard with Achim Szepanski (Review).
The process of making law or science started with the rationalist-empiricist synthesis of the 17th century during the Enlightenment (18th century) that replaced tradition and religion after Bacon, who aimed to dominate nature and society with the discourse of “knowledge is power.”
In this article, I share my reflections on the reevaluation of Jean Baudrillard’s Media Theory and the Simulacrum, while also exploring selected aspects of the economy of the future.
This article examines the historical entanglement of Jean Baudrillard’s media theory concepts with cyberpunk science fiction literature in the late 1980s.
Being-in-the-world, a central concept in early Heidegger’s philosophy, begins with everydayness and existential activities. Baudrillard mentions Heidegger’s theory of hermeneutics, the hermeneutical relationship.
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“In the trompe l’oeil, whether a mirror or painting, we are bewitched by the spell of the missing dimension. It is the latter that establishes the space of seduction and becomes a source of vertigo.”
Seduction, Jean Baudrillard
Associated with postmodern and postructuralist theory, Jean Baudrillard (1929–2007) is difficult to situate in relation to traditional and contemporary philosophy. His work combines philosophy, social theory, and an idiosyncratic cultural metaphysics that reflects on key events and phenomena of the epoch.
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