Maestro. Jean Baudrillard. The Last Prophet of Europe (Oleg Maltsev, Lucien Samir-Oulahbib)
Jean Baudrillard is characterized as the “Last Prophet of Europe”: not just because he was a prominent thinker, French philosopher and author of more than 50 works and essays that examine modern consumer society in depth. Events and phenomena described by Baudrillard in his works 20-30 years ago are taking place today. By means of his writings he described his view of the world and explained why people and society are the way they are. He “encrypted” in his works a system that allows for making accurate prognosis. There was no book until this that could have demonstrated the integral system of Baudrillard’s philosophy. Baudrillard did not share it with anybody and did not describe it explicitly as a whole. Figuratively speaking, he deconstructed his system into “bricks” (his writings), then built a building out of them, numbered each brick, and dismantled the building and burned the schemes. In the book Baudrillard. Maestro. The Last Prophet of Europe, Oleg Maltsev thoroughly analyzes each brick and constructs Baudrillard’s system presenting to readers for the first time a complete model, the tools used by Baudrillard and his philosophy. Throughout the 16 chapters of this book, the author looks into all kinds of subjects raised by Baudrillard with practical examples, among which the “masses”, the “kingdom of the blind”, the “silent majority”, “perfect crime”, European mysticism, the “symbolic system” and many other phenomena are examined from the viewpoint of the scholar. The author also shares his research results based on the philosophy and sociology of Baudrillard. Dr. Maltsev then examines Jean Baudrillard’s works (some of which had been translated into Russian for the first time), his photographic pieces, and interviews people who personally knew Baudrillard, his critics and fellow researchers. This work is a practical book for modern people who want to have an objective view of the current state of affairs and take responsibility for their present and future. It provides an idea for the use of the philosophy, sociology, and radical anthropology of Baudrillard as the foundation of personal achievement, efficiency, and safety in such unstable and uncertain conditions of a constantly changing environment.
Author: Oleg Maltsev
Senior Editor: Lucien-Samir Oulahbib
Literary Editor: Andy McLaverty-Robinson
Copyright © 2021 Publishing House «Patriot»
Text © 2021 Oleg Maltsev
Photography © 2021 Expedition Journal
All images are by the Expedition Journal unless noted otherwise.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system, without the permission, in writing, from the author of the book.
ISBN: 978-617-95114-3-1 (E-book)
Maestro book in Google Books
Review by Andrew McLaverty-Robinson “WHY BAUDRILLARD, WHY NOW?”
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