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AI’s Perfect Crime
AI’s Perfect Crimeby François Debrix “If you’ve created a conscious machine, it’s not the history of man. It’s the history of Gods.”— Ex Machina (2014), written and directed by Alex…
Resolving Baudrillard’s Paradox: A Study in Southern Italian Philosophy.
Resolving Baudrillard’s Paradox: A Study in Southern Italian Philosophyby Dr. Oleg Maltsev When we set out to study the philosophy of Southern Italy as a cohesive system, we understood that…
Jean Baudrillard and Georges Bataille on eroticism
Jean Baudrillard and Georges Bataille on eroticismBy Dr. Lucien Oulahbib In Exchange symbolicus and the Death[1] , for example, the chapter entitled “La mort chez Bataille”, Baudrillard asks (pp. 236-242)…
Fractal Subjects, Simulated Bodies, and Artificial Eating in Hyperreality
Fractal Subjects, Simulated Bodies, and Artificial Eating in Hyperrealityby Dr. Linea Cutter “…you could say that the social is just like the sense of taste in American cuisine. It is…
Flipping the order of simulacra: from the Spirit of Terrorism to Street Art in the age of deglobalization
Flipping the order of simulacra: from the Spirit of Terrorism to Street Art in the age of deglobalizationby Dr. Nello Barile The war against Ukraine has revealed a new phase…
Getting #Lainpilled: Towards a Definition of the (Hyper)Eschatological Condition
Getting #Lainpilled: Towards a Definition of the (Hyper)Eschatological Conditionby Alexzander Mazey Getting #Lainpilled: Towards a Definition of the (Hyper)Eschatological Condition Alexzander Mazey ‘The funny part is that experts have calculated…
Artworks from the series Overflow (2024)
Artworks from the series Overflow (2024) by Noor Zahran Noor Zahran is a Malaysian artist based in Selangor who pursued his studies in Creative Media Digital at KPM Indera Mahkota….
News Fetishism and the Hegemony of Forms
News Fetishism and the Hegemony of FormsDr. Peter Nielsen Introduction In recent decades, a profound development has taken place when it comes to media, especially regarding internet, social media and…
Digital Guillotine 2024. Decomputating Algocratic Regimes In the Delirium of the Simulation: Revisiting Baudrillard with Achim Szepanski
Digital Guillotine 2024. Decomputating Algocratic Regimes In the Delirium of the Simulation: Revisiting Baudrillard with Achim Szepanskiby Dr. Giorgi Vachnadze We are held captive by a recursive simulacrum; an automated…
Baudrillard and City
Baudrillard and Cityby Dr. Ahmed Dağ The process of making law or science started with the rationalist-empiricist synthesis of the 17th century during the Enlightenment (18th century) that replaced tradition…

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